The girls were stunning. The youngest daughter from 'The Nanny' (thankfully grown up) was one of said girls. That was indeed exciting. They’d all have sex in the cowgirl position. I guess this is the best position to give the most gratuitous flesh. Foreplay consisted of a few sentences. Madeline Zima'slast line was “Now I’ll never have sex with you.” Bam. Straight into bed. There was an eerie interchangeability with the girls. Their bodies and breasts were almost identical. I’m not sticking my neck out by saying there is a moral point being heralded. I took it as commentary on promiscuous sex. The show seems to be mired in American-ness. The brash, open celebration of sex followed by sermonizing of the misdeed. I am disappointed. I stupidly expected better.
The show is also stuck in soap mode. I swear half of it was related to his ex-wife - inevitably he regrets breaking up with her. It was tedious. A slow intercourse between the two. We are meant to be swept away by side titillation. Distracted from the dull main course. I felt like I was watching Neighbours. Can we please have a show that does not solely rely on silly URST between the two main characters? Is this all TV drama is at the end of the day? A sad no and yes must presently be recorded. Different settings, same story. Yawn. I’m waiting for his 12-year old daughter to display fountains of wisdom. Good night.
the new season started?
i think it's a week or two off
from memory the 24th
ah ok :D
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