US TV - Too Good for Hollywood

US TV (American Television) is an institution in an odd state. It has surpassed it's firmly established cousin, Hollywood. This situation is unique. In no other country, at no other time, has television ever reigned supreme. I am unable, at this time, to explain this event. It is certainly a question that needs to be addressed. A broad smile crossing my face while feasting on these delights says enough for now.

In selecting the best offerings of US TV & Hollywood, the evidence is stark. Hollywood barely attempts to engage any but it's core audience - teenagers. The formula is tried, tested & true. The sense of ease with which simplistic values & morality are injected is breathless. Like vitamins in breakfast cereal. Continuing the analogy, one may say this is essential. I may agree - although I confine that argument purely to the core audience. Dross of the highest order is pumped out. The underlying messages are basic, and often offensive for that very reason. It can be quite disturbing.

US TV, on the other hand, reaches out to a much broader spectrum. It is entirely possible to skip most of the fairy floss and delve into the meat. Popular opinion would say that The Sopranos was the beginning of the renaissance of American television. A good call. The Wire & Mad Men represent another two towering peaks. The landscape is dotted with significant points. Hollywood simply cannot compete. It is the now the ugly cousin. Give me the finest of American television any day of the week. There is still much to discover.

Onion TV